I played Basketball and Baseball in highschool. After thinking I would become a baseball player at a academically focused school, I was thrown for a loop. I became a basketball player at the Cooper Union. I enjoy picking up games at the nearby NYU athletic facility, as well as outdoors at public courts anywhere in NYC. The best thing about basketball is that for the love of the game seemingly random groups of people will get together and start a game. It is the stickball of my era. I look forward to the Cooper team practices every week.
Baseball was my first and greatest sports love. I played in every league I could fit into my schedule. Studies, of course, were always first and foremst but the next best thing I could think of doing is playing baseball with my younger brother, outside on a nice day. We would go outside every summer day to throw the ball in our front yard, telling ourselves that every sunny day in the season could not be wasted. I am a huge Yankees fan and my brother would laugh at that statement because he is the Yankee historian of the family.
In my Sophmore Year of college at the Cooper Union I took advantage of a pinhole camera experiment/session. The goal was to try and understand the basic premiss behind the camera and to also play around with the interesting effects of prolonged exposures. After doing this extracurricular session several times during Sophmore year and finding some great photos (right) I plan to become an avid photographer.
I recently renewed a lifelong interest in guitar. My father played, and still plays, the guitar and piano. My uncle lives in Brussels Belgium, and sings for the national opera company; he would always sing christmas carrols when in visiting in season. I always remember music being around during my life, and would like to bring it to the foreground. I had played for a short time as a child, and look to keep it up this time.
Being physically fit is not always the easiest thing to accomplish. As a sports enthusiast, I always jump at the chance to play, but find that I must watch what foods I choose to eat. Food and cooking have found a nice place amoungst the healthy person I will always choose to be.