For more information on what I'm doing currently please contact me directly. I may even be open to a project you have in mind!


Augmented Reality

Glyph for Augmented Reality ApplicationAndroid Application for viewing the chronology of Cooper Union Presidents past and present. The application allows its users to visualize art pieces specifically commissioned for the Presednt's Office in augmented space. The art was done by Clio Newton, a fellow student at the Cooper Union, and by targeting the glyph (Left) a augmented reality experience is triggered. This type of technology helps to get art into the hands of the masses through use of new technologies.
The application is available below.

More information:

Laser Adaptation for CNC Mills

Laser Project Work was done to extend the viability of laser cutting technology. Extensive analysis was done on both CNC milling machines and existing laser machines, in order to find common subsystems that could be cross utilized. Research for this project is kept at the following web domain: